Asia's Leading Centre of Excellence in Insurance and Risk Management.

GAIP is a unique platform for the insurance industry, supervisors and regulators, and academia. The vision is to shape a more resilient future for Asia and globally. We do this through: 1 Catalysing action on emerging and accelerating risks; and 2 Supporting the future development needs of the sector.


We develop solutions to assess risk and close the protection gap. These solutions are organised around our three pillars – Living Lab, Policy Think Tank, and Skills and Talent Development, to help drive significant synergy within GAIP.

To Build Long-Term
Risk Resilience In Asia

Take a look at how GAIP's Three Pillars support our mission in building risk resilience.

Narrowing Asia's Protection Gap

To Build Long-Term
Risk Resilience In Asia

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Narrowing Asia's Protection Gap

Take a look at how GAIP's Three Pillars support our mission in building risk resilience.

To Build Long Term Risk
Resilience In Asia

Narrowing Asia's Protection Gap

Take a look at how GAIP's Three Pillars support our mission in building risk resilience.